Who We Are Project 2010

What makes you happiest?


The thing that makes me the happiest is being able to spend time with my boyfriend. He is very generous and caring, and he’s the most loving man I’ve ever met. Being with Corey is wonderful, I would love to spend all my days with him. He makes me feel beautiful all the time, and always is so positive. He’s the light in my life, and he’s part of who I am.

What makes me the happiest is knowing that I have a solidified and pure family and friends that surround me. The feeling of being  able to have people around you that you can always run to and talk  to if you need advice, comfort and just to be loved. Having such special people in my life, individuals who I admire, care for and also inspired by keep me going when my path becomes rocky and jagged. Also one of the most greatest gifts in the world and something  that also makes me the happiest is having good health and wellness in my life. I am very fortunate to have exceptional good health, I feel very deeply towards those unfortunate people who don’t have good health and I wish nothing but wholesomeness to everyone in the world. I think a lot of us take health for granted and don’t really think much of it until that person or somebody in their life has been effected by health in a negative way. I think this is what makes people express gratitude to the world and grant as many blessings to others as they can.  What makes me the happiest is having people around me that are happy.

My family and friends make me the happiest.  They know my personality the best. Therefore they know how to make me laugh and smile. I know I can talk to my family about anything without them being judgmental. I can go to my friends when I’m feeling down, and I will be guaranteed they will turn my mood around. With the combination of friends and family they complete my definition of being truly happy.

Different people have different priorities that makes people happy.  My priorities are my cousins, the one thing that will always make be happy is my three cousins, and even though they live on the other side of the world, internet makes everything better. They are people I can trust and talk to no matter what. I say my cousins makes me the happiest because when I talk to them, or am with them I always have the best of times. It doesn’t matter where I am or who I am with they are always  supportive and understanding. They are my other halves. I have nine cousins but only three of which I feel this comfortable with, they are three sister of the ages 14, 17, and 22 and I consider all three my best friends.



What makes me the happiest,  it would have to be my books. My parents don’t understand. They aren’t able to tell how much my books mean to me, after all they read for fun. I read to stay sane. Reading is both my greatest joy and my savoir.  Reading keeps me happy and I personally don’t mind spending lots of money on books, I always think there are worse things to spend you money on. When I read a book I find myself drawn into the “world” of the book, my problems don’t matter, anything that’s going wrong in my life isn’t there anymore. Books are like a second life to me, I can be “inside” them. I can experience what the character is doing without having to leave the safety of my room. Also with books I find I’m better to connect with them. My books make me happy, I feel the best when I’m sitting on my floor with all my books around me in piles. Series, single books, soft covers or hard covers. It doesn’t matter to me because they are all the same. They all do what they have to do and let me escape into lands, romances, dreams that I don’t have in reality.


 In general I like to think of myself as a very happy person. At this crucial age, it is definitely difficult to stay cheerful, with the amount of pressure we have upon us. Of course there is something, or should I say someone that makes me especially happy at this point in my life. This person is my boyfriend. I know relationships at this age can be overrated, and can end in an instant, but honestly nothing makes me happier then spending time with him. It is my ultimate get away from reality; when I’m with him he has my total focus. I forget about every other stressful thing in my life and just truly enjoy our time together. Even if it is just for the moment, a simple stepping stone in my life. I appreciate my relationship for everything it is, and everything it could possibly be.



 The happiest time I’ll have is whenever my family from both sides come together and have a nice big dinner. Those times too me are priceless you can never be happier when your closest family comes together mainly because the people you see at that time won’t be there forever that’s why those times should be cherished.

Knowing that I have a good support system makes me the happiest. The people who surround me give me nothing but positive feedback to improve my life. There have been time in my life were there only people who I thought were there were my friends. We would do anything and everything together, but as I grew to open up to my family I realized that I have things pretty good. A smile says a million words. Mine mostly says how happy I am to have the support system that I do.


What makes me the most happy is having a day with no schedule or plans. I like to just “go with the flow” and have no plan that I must stick to. On days like these, I will either spend time with friends and family or even just spend a day to myself. At the end of the day, I didn’t really get anything done but I fell content and happy. There are days when all I have done is sit outside on the grass in the sun, listening to music while eating cookies and that was all I needed to make me happy. As well, it is nice when you have very good family and friends. They understand that you can have a wonderful time by just going for a walk and talking. As well, they understand that happiness can also come from not saying anything at all and just enjoying one another’s company. Sometimes simple things are all people need to cheer up.


There are few things that make me happy. One is having the people I care most with me. Spending time with family and friends is priceless.  Sharing remarkable and life lasting memories is something that I could cherish forever. Second I really enjoy traveling and going to different places that I haven’t been to. Learning about different lifestyles and culture is astonishing to me. I appreciate the different ways how each culture are different yet so similar.  Lastly, the game of basketball makes me happy. Playing basketball relaxes me. When I play basketball it seems like nothing matters. My mind is free from all the problems and stress. I enjoy the feeling of freedom and carelessness on the court. Also enjoy the brotherhood and friendship of a basketball team.


What makes me happiest? My family and Lacey. I love all of them so much I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost them. Family camp outs are the best and we have so much fun with each other going boating and just having a fire and telling stories. My family means the world to me.  Lacey has been my best friend since grade 8 we have been through everything together, being so far from her hurts a lot. But we do our best to talk and see each other.





I believe music makes me the happiest. Music allows me to escape reality and express my emotions through the beat of the drums. I can dance in my room when no ones watching and feel comfortable in my skin. It allows me to sing(which I think I’m pretty good :P) and feel great about myself and hopefully give me the courage to present my talent to friends and family one day. The music doesn’t judge or talk back when I’m having a rough day, it gives me the chance to blow off some steam and restart my actions and thoughts into a more calm state of mind. I can also relate to some song lyrics that really hit home with my experiences and often can help solve problems or teach lessons and help develop the person that I am.


Being in and experiencing nature. I love to go camping with family and friends to see all the wonderful things that nature has to offer. To spend time with the ones who mean the most and to get away from the city, it calms me down and lets me get away from all the k-aos, and lets me enjoy life. In nature you can do and experience anything you want to, nothing is overly stopping than your own boundaries. You see so many different things from animals, waterfalls and you notice the stars way better. All of the experiences make me the happiest, when someone can experience such wonderful things it will change them as people.


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