Who We Are Project 2010

What is one of the biggest things that has ever happened to you and how did it change your life?


One of the biggest things that has ever happened to me and change my life was when my dad bought me my first car. I have always loved cars and everything about them. But that was not the why it’s one of the biggest things that happened to me to change my life. In fact, last year I was in grade 12 and I was in the pure classes planning to get high enough marks to get me into the engineering faculty at the U of A. Unfortunately, things did happen the way  I wanted to. I got caught up with peer pressure, and started messing around. At the end of grade 12 I have realized I haven’t accomplished  anything, and I wasted one year of my life. This is the point where my dad felt it’s his turn to do something to help me out. In fact we had a long talk, and came up to a conclusion. The next day my dad figured what he can do to get me back on my feet and to sort my life out. So the next day he goes and buys me a 2008 cobalt SS supercharged for $12,000 and parked it in the garage for me as a motif, and the only way I will get the keys is by getting to University. So far I am on the right track, my marks are pleasing and my life is going somewhere. I have conditional acceptance to the U of A, and I’m one step closer to the car. So my dad as well as the car has turned my life a 180 degrees and got me back on the right way.

The biggest thing that has ever happened to me was being introduced to a barn called 3D Equestrian Centre. It changed my life in more than one way. When I got a job there, I was introduced to a whole new discipline in the equestrian world, it was actually something I swore I would never try; riding in an English saddle and jumping. But I tried it, and I loved it. I also got to meet a ton of new people, as an employee I got to experience many types of personalities and attitudes. I soon learnt that I couldn’t stand most of the people, and that I could live without them. But, there was one person who I met, and can’t live without. Her name is Stacie. We’ve been inseparable for three years; I don’t know what I would do without her now. If it weren’t for Stacie, I wouldn’t have the love of my life, Cassidy. When Cassidy walked off the trailer and into my life, she brought along a ton of responsibilities. I’ve learnt to save my money and control my spending. Before I got Cassidy, I couldn’t save a dime to save my life. There was not just the responsibility of money, but to care for something other than myself. I learnt to put others needs a head of my own, which has made me a better person. Without 3D Equestrian centre, I wouldn’t own an English saddle, I would never have learnt the people skills I have now. I’d be without an amazing best friend, without a horse, and lacking the responsibility that has played a role in making me who I am today.

One of the biggest things that have happened to me is finding out that I have a disease called Endometriosis. This problem first came about when I was in grade 9. It took me right out of school because doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me; until almost a year later when they had done every possible test. They decided to listen to my mom when she said: “Tasha probably has Endometriosis, like me”. She was right. When I first found this out I was scared and I was depressed. It felt like my world had been shaken and turned upside down like a snow globe.  It was like I was throwing a pity party for myself that I couldn’t get out of. After a couple of months I realized that I couldn’t let this disease control my life.  From that day on I didn’t let the pain it caused me keep me home and I didn’t let the feeling of having this disease destroy me. I went and found a great family doctor and an alright gynecologist that have helped me control and fix the pain from the disease. And with help from my family I have gained control over my emotions from the disease.  I don’t do anything differently than I did before. I am still myself and still go out to have fun. Once in awhile there are problems with my condition and I am home for a few days waiting for the medication to kick in. But its okay because I still get right back up and continue with my day.



The biggest thing that ever happened in my life was time that my family migrated here in Canada. Migrating here was a 360 spin for us, new environment, new culture, new language (but we already know how to speak English) . So many things happened for the past two years. I become more independent here, not like back home my family is supporting me (financially) but here I need to work so I can buy the things I want. There is a better opportunity here, I mean I thought I would never have a driver license and a personal car but here it seems it is possible to have those things.  Migrating really affect our lives but in a good way and bad way. I need to make new friends and leave my best friends I have. Its hard for a teenager like me to do those. It is hard at first we need to adjust and I just want to go back home! However, we are getting used in this kind of life. Actually, I’m happy to be here even though it is hard. Migrating here was like a nightmare at first but now it is becoming a sweet dreams 🙂


However obstruction we would find in our life we should always be positive that there is might be something better we can replace our fear with that will make us change our perspective  about life and  gain an experience that will have an influence on our impact .

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